
Suguna Natalie Madhavan

The Voice of Others About Suguna

“My time working with Suguna has been nothing short of life-changing. Suguna helped me find my way back to me – the powerful and possible me…(helping) me define my life path and move forward with excitement into designing my future.”

Valina S, Head of HR & Leadership Coach
Shine Holistic Ltd, London, UK

“If you are looking to expand your thinking and achieve exponential growth in business or your personal life, Suguna is the coach for you. She helped me uncover parts of my identity and expand my thinking in ways I had not thought possible.”

“Unexpectedly, but with great respect and gratitude, I was guided to acknowledge the impact that childhood events had on my perception and the unrealised limitations I had placed on certain choices I made in adult life”

ANL, Global Citizen in his 50s
Entrepreneur – Investor – Chairman – Retired Global CEO
United Kingdom / Switzerland / Netherlands

“Suguna is uniquely positioned as a Leadership Coach who has had her own international professional career to understand the …nuances of business/entrepreneurship. Her energy-centred coaching allows for a very unique, insightful and strengthening process and an empowering client-coach relationship.

SK, Senior Executive
Google LLC
United Kingdom

“Suguna has a very special gift – it is the gift of intuition. She shows up 100% if not more during our sessions, and her professionalism is really top class. She has led me to come to very important personal truths that have since helped me on my life’s journey. ”

E, Finance Executive in her 30s
Property Business

“I have no words to fully express how Suguna supported me at various significant levels with her coaching – from deep-seated emotional issues, business growth in relation to my professional practice, how I was relating to myself, my family, the world, and so uniquely expansive at the spiritual level. Through the Energy Leadership Index (ELI) assessment she took me through, I had a breakthrough insight of my beliefs, attitudes and energy levels – how I really saw myself and how others see me. This empowered me to raise myself to higher levels of positive energy and vibration.  Suguna’s exceptional and results-orientated coaching worked so well for me, that I brought some of long-term key clients to Suguna so they could benefit from both the psychotherapy I provided and Suguna’s core energy coaching, with the ELI. Amongst her gifts as an exceptional coach, she unusually sharp, intuitive and compassionately direct. I gained enormous value through our sessions, and for that I am grateful and unreservedly, recommend her. 

Eugenia Gajardo, 60s,
Psychotherapist, Artist,